WWE SmackDown Results (1/3/25): Sami Zayn & The Usos vs. The Bloodline (2025)

WWE SmackDown Results 1/3/25
Footprint Center
Phoenix, Arizona

You can follow me on Twitter@TheHootsPodcast

Commentators: (Michael Cole & Corey Graves)

Ring Announcer: Lilian Garcia

Transcription by Josh Lopez

Cody Rhodes, Drew McIntyre, Kevin Owens Segment

Cody Rhodes:Phoenix. Normally, I would ask you, what do you want to talk about, but I think we all want to talk about the same thing. Timing is a funny thing in life, just as it is in this industry. We’re on the cusp; WWE is on the cusp of changing everything. Not just about WWE, not just about sports entertainment, but about pro wrestling itself. It starts tonight, SmackDown going three hours, here in Phoenix. And then of course, Monday Night Raw going to Netflix. My excitement, it’s tempered, ever so slightly tempered, because as much as I’d like to be involved, I can only be involved so much, because technically, I am not cleared to wrestle. And I am not cleared to wrestle because of Kevin Owens. Nick Aldis and management are concerned that I’m here in the first place, but the Royal Rumble is essentially only a month away. And at the Royal Rumble, we will hang this championship up above us. Kevin Owens and I will compete in a Ladder Match.

– Drew McIntyre made his way down to the ring. McIntyre gave Rhodes a big hug.

Drew McIntyre: I’m not here tonight to hurt you, Cody. I’m here to help you. You’re not on my list. We go way back. And since no one will look you in the eyes, and tell you this, you’re about to screw up your entire life’s work. Everything that you’ve done. All the dues you had to pay in order to make it to the top of WWE. Being the centerpiece. You talked about us moving into the future. This is the greatest generation in the history of the company. Not the 80’s, The New Generation, The Attitude Era, brother. Right now, we have the best wrestlers we’ve ever had in-ring. And if you look at the numbers, the best of all time, by far, and you’re the freaking quarterback of it all. But you’re about to screw it all up. Nick Aldis is breathing down your neck, he won’t clear you. I know how that feels like, when you want to fight, and management start holding you back. There’s a guy running around with a replica title, like he’s one of these idiots in the crowd, pretending he’s a World Champion. They’re promoting him as a World Champion on Live Events. And your neck is hanging by a thread. So, I wanted to come out here and tell you, this SmackDown portal, this SmackDown gimmick, whatever they’re calling it, I don’t care. I can see that you need a friend, and you need someone to watch your back, and maybe I need to watch your back.

Cody Rhodes: Drew, Drew, Drew, Drew. I know you’re here, the transfer window, and here you are. You’re saying that you want to help me? You don’t want to hurt me, right? That’s what you’re saying?

Drew McIntyre:It’s exactly what I’m saying. I always tell the truth.

Cody Rhodes: Always tell the truth. Okay, WWE’s Resident Truth Teller, well, I would love to tell the truth right back at you. I would love to say, years ago, I watched you from afar, I watched you carry WWE through its darkest time. I would love to say that you and I are kindred spirits, the fact that we had to leave here, scrap ourselves off the mat, and make a name for ourselves, come back and finish our story. I would love to say, that over the last 2-3 years, not only have you become a beast on that microphone, but in this. I would love to say all of that, Drew, but I don’t believe you. I don’t believe you. I can just feel this tension. I can feel this situation. It certainly going to devolve, so let’s go ahead and cut right to it. You want to throw hands, right here, right now? You want a shot at this championship? We might as well do it. Everybody wants it. Drew, come and get it.

Drew McIntyre: Cody, sooner or later, you’re going to see the truth, one day. As soon as we’re gone, they’re going to forget about us, it doesn’t matter what they think. I’m telling you the truth. I’m not here to hurt you, I’m here to help you. One more thing, you need to watch your back.

Kevin Owens attacks Rhodes from behind. Owens is putting the boots to Rhodes. All hell starts breaking loose in Phoenix.

First Match: Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Andrade El Idolo

Nakamura kicks Idolo in the gut. Nakamura with Muay Thai Knee Strikes. Nakamura whips Idolo across the ring. Idolo kicks Nakamura in the chest. Idolo with a Hurricanrana. Idolo dropkicks Nakamura off the ring apron. Idolo with The Orihara MoonSault. Idolo rolls Nakamura back into the ring. Idolo with The Flying Crossbody Block for a two count. Idolo with a knife edge chop. Nakamura reverses out of the irish whip from Idolo. Nakamura sends Idolo crashing to the outside. Nakamura slams Idolo’s head on the announce table. Nakamura with a Running Knee Strike. Nakamura with a knee drop. Nakamura stomps on Idolo’s back. Nakamura dumps Idolo ribs first on the top rope. Nakamura kicks Idolo off the top rope for a two count. Nakamura stomps on Idolo’s chest. Idolo with two overhand chops. Nakamura answers with a Mid-Kick. Nakamura applies a chin bar. Idolo with elbows into the midsection of Nakamura.

Idolo with forearm shivers. Idolo scores the elbow knockdown. Idolo with The Dragon Screw Leg Whip. Idolo ducks a clothesline from Nakamura. Idolo with a flying forearm smash. Idolo pops back on his feet. Idolo plays to the crowd. Idolo goes for The Shotgun Meteora, but Nakamura counters with The Kitchen Sink. Nakamura with a Spin Kick. Forearm Exchange. Idolo with a blistering chop. Nakamura reverses out of the irish whip from Idolo. Nakamura kicks Idolo in the back. Nakamura with The Sliding German Suplex. Nakamura with a Flying Knee Strike for a two count. Nakamura removes the top turnbuckle pad. Idolo dropkicks Nakamura into the exposed steel. Idolo hits The Shotgun Meteora for a two count. Idolo with The Double MoonSault for a two count.

Nakamura blocks The Message. Nakamura decks Idolo with a back elbow smash. Nakamura goes for The Reverse Exploder Suplex, but Idolo lands back on his feet. Idolo drops Nakamura with The Discus Back Elbow Smash for a two count. Idolo puts Nakamura on the top turnbuckle. Idolo slaps Nakamura in the chest. Nakamura blocks The SuperPlex. Nakamura drives Idolo face first into the top of the steel ring post. Nakamura slings Idolo back into the ring. Nakamura connects with The Kinshasa to pickup the victory. After the match, LA Knight storms into the ring. Knight clotheslines Nakamura. Knight transitions into a ground and pound attack. Nakamura denies The BFT. Nakamura slithers out of the ring. Knight grabs the microphone and says that he’s coming after Nakamura. Everywhere Nakamura goes, Knight will be there to stomp his ass out, with everybody saying his name.

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura via Pinfall

– Pretty Deadly calls Apollo Crews a stooge for ratting out DIY last week. Crews thinks that Pretty Deadly is slick. Legado Del Fantasma joins the conversation. Santos Escobar calls Pretty Deadly, Pretty Little Liars. If you’re going to lie on his family name, at least do it to their face. Kit Wilson calls Santos to calm down. LDF got into a brawl with Pretty Deadly. Nick Aldis says that he wants to have a little chat with Pretty Deadly. Before Aldis can read Pretty Deadly the riot act, DIY shows up, and Johnny Gargano wants to know why Nick is wasting his time believing Apollo Stooge. Nick doesn’t know what DIY and Pretty Deadly are up to, but they’re on pretty thin ice. DIY loves Pretty Deadly, but they have a big title match tonight against The Motor City Machine Guns, and it’s very important that they leave Phoenix as the WWE Tag Team Champions.

Second Match: Michin vs. Piper Niven w/Chelsea Green

Niven blocks a boot from Michin. Niven drives Michin back first into the turnbuckles. Niven with heavy bodyshots. Michin kicks Niven in the face. Michin with Two Hurricanrana’sthatsends Niven to the floor. Michin with a Flying Hurricanrana off the ring apron. Michin is fired up. Michin gets distracted by Green. Niven dodges The Big Boot. Niven drops Michin with The Bossman Slam on the floor. Niven has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Niven reverses out of the irish whip from Michin. Michin with The Bulldog for a two count. Niven blocks Eat Defeat. Niven runs Michin sternum first into the turnbuckles.

Niven levels Michin with The Body Avalanche. Niven goesfor a Running Cannonball Strike, but Michin ducks out of the way. Michin delivers a Running Cannonball Strike of her own. Michin starts twerking. Michin thrust kicks the midsection of Niven. Michin with an Overhead Kick for a two count. Green continues to run interference. Michin dives over Niven. Michin ducks a clothesline from Niven. Niven negates Eat Defeat. Short-Arm Reversal by Niven. Niven hits The Piper Driver for a two count. Niven repeatedly stomps on Michin’s chest. Niven drags Michin to the corner. Niven goes for The Vader Bomb, but Michin gets her feet up in the air. Michin connects with Eat Defeat to pickup the victory.

Winner: Michin via Pinfall

Naomi Promo

My Glow isn’t just a look, it’s a reminder that in all of us, there’s a light. We’re beautiful, powerful, and we can change the world, just by being in it. I want to be a living reminder that we don’t have to experience life the way we’ve been told. That we will not be pushed around by the fear in our mind but led by the dreams in our hearts. I do the impossible. I change the environment around me. I am The Glow. I am Naomi.

Paul Heyman & Solo Sikoa Segment

Paul Heyman: Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman. Tonight, way before Monday, I wanted to come out here, on the record, to set the record straight. See, on Monday, we’re going to find out one thing. Who is the real Tribal Chief? And let’s all be transparent about this. Roman Reigns and I trained Solo to become the next in line to be the Tribal Chief. Roman Reigns and I taught Solo how to become the Tribal Chief. Roman Reigns and I prepped, prepared, Solo for the moment in time, in the future, the future, that when Roman Reigns was ready to step down as The Head Of The Table, The Head Of The Family, The Head Of All WWE, and then Solo would reign as The Tribal Chief. And then at WrestleMania, what happened? After 10 years of lusting for revenge against Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns could not turn down that lust and finally got revenge on Seth Rollins. Cody Rhodes, to his massive credit, took advantage of that blind spot, and got a 1-2-3 on Roman Reigns.

And that is where Solo Sikoa seized the moment. That’s where Solo Sikoa stole the Ula Fala from Roman Reigns’ bag. That twisted son of a bitch didn’t earn that Ula Fala, he stole it from Roman Reigns. He got rid of Jimmy Uso. He got rid of The Wiseman. He got rid of all of us. Why? Because he knew, no sane man was ever going to acknowledge, Solo Sikoa. So, what did he do? He went out, and he got himself a band of these filthy animals, that don’t even belong in professional wrestling. He got, Tama Tonga, not welcomed in the United States. He got, Tanga Loa, not welcomed in the United States. He got, Jacob Fatu, who’s not even welcomed outside the United States Prison System, for crying out loud. He got these men, because none of us were ever going to acknowledge, Solo Sikoa. On Monday, live on Netflix, Tribal Combat, no rules, except there must be a winner, and there must be a loser. The winner of the match this Monday, and I absolutely promise you, The Tribal Chief, The Only Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns.

I want you to know, I’m seconds away from pissing my pants. Why, because the last time we did this, and I told you that you’re not my Tribal Chief, you had me put through a table, in front of my children, and the whole world to see at Madison Square Garden. And if I even blink at you wrong, right now, I know Jacob Fatu and Tama Tonga are going to come out here, and the same damn thing is going to happen to me, tonight in Phoenix, Arizona.

Solo Sikoa:Phoenix, Arizona. Acknowledge Me. Wiseman, I think it’s finally time for you to acknowledge the truth. You owe CM Punk a favor, right? How about this? Let me owe you a favor, okay? See, this Monday, I need someone to hold the Ula Fala during the Tribal Combat Match. I need somebody that is trustworthy. I need somebody that loves my family. Somebody that would never disrespect my family. And somebody that would never disrespect the Ula Fala. So, this Monday, if Roman beats me in the Tribal Combat Match, you will put the Ula Fala around his neck, and I will acknowledge him as the Tribal Chief. But when I beat Roman, and I will, you know it, I know it, and everyone here knows it, too. So, when I beat Roman in the Tribal Combat Match, you will put this Ula Fala around my neck, and everyone will know that I own this, and that I own you. You will be my Wiseman, forever. And then Roman will have no choice, but to finally acknowledge me.

Third Match: DIY (c) vs. The Motor City Machine Guns For The WWE Tag Team Championship

Tommaso Ciampa and Chris Sabin will start things off. Ciampa kicks Sabin in the gut. Ciampa stomps on the left hand of Sabin. Wrist Lock Exchange. Sabin with two deep arm-drags. Sabin applies an arm-bar. Ciampa decks Sabin with a JawBreaker. Ciampa tags in Shelley. Double Clothesline. Sabin decks Gargano with a back elbow smash. Shelley kicks Gargano out of the ring. Shelley hammers down on the left shoulder of Ciampa. Shelley tags in Sabin. Double Lariat. Double Irish Whip. Double Chop. Sabin whips Ciampa across the ring. Ciampa ducks a clothesline from Sabin. Ciampa holds onto the ropes. Gargano tags himself in. Sabin ducks a clothesline from Ciampa. Sabin clotheslines Ciampa over the top rope. Sabin dumps Gargano out of the ring. Sabin lands The Suicide Dive. Sabin is fired up. Sabin rolls Gargano back into the ring. Sabin runs after Gargano. Gargano tags in Ciampa. Sabin rocks Gargano with a forearm smash. Ciampa answers with Willow’s Bell. Ciampa pats himself on the shoulder. Ciampa stomps on Sabin’s chest. Ciampa with a knife edge chop. Ciampa tags in Gargano.

Assisted Mule Kick. Gargano puts his leg on the back of Sabin’s neck. Gargano poses for the crowd. Sabin with heavy bodyshots. Gargano hammers down on the back of Sabin’s neck. Gargano with a knife edge chop. Gargano tags in Ciampa. Ciampa repeatedly stomps on Sabin’s chest. Sabin knocks Gargano off the ring apron. Sabin decks Ciampa with a back elbow smash. Sabin kicks Ciampa in the face. Sabin escapes the full nelson lock. Gargano wisely pulls Shelley off the apron. Ciampa drops Sabin with The Reverse DDT for a two count. Ciampa stomps on Sabin’s face. Ciampa applies a rear chin lock. Sabin with heavy bodyshots. Ciampa drives his knee into the midsection of Sabin. Sabin dropkicks Gargano off the apron. Sabin with another back elbow smash. Ciampa ducks a clothesline from Sabin. Ciampa with The Ripcord Forearm. Ciampa with a Running Boot. Sabin responds with a Running Enzuigiri. Shelley and Gargano are tagged in.

Shelley is throwing haymakers at Gargano. Gargano reverses out of the irish whip from Shelley. Shelley with a flying forearm smash. Shelley knocks Ciampa off the apron. Shelley ducks a clothesline from Gargano. Shelley with a NeckBreaker for a two count. Shelley takes a swipe at Ciampa. Ciampa grabs Shelley from behind. Shelley kicks Gargano in the face. Shelley decks Ciampa with a back elbow smash. Shelley dumps Gargano out of the ring. Shelley tags in Sabin. Stereo Baseball Slide Dropkicks. Stereo Pescados. Shelley starts favoring his left knee. Sabin rolls Gargano back into the ring. Sabin tags in Shelley. Gargano with a chop/forearm combination. MCMG fires back with a flurry of strikes. Double SuperKick to Gargano for a two count.

Forearm Exchange. Chop Exchange. Sabin with a Spinning Back Kick. Gargano SuperKicks Shelley. Ciampa dropkicks the left knee of Sabin. Gargano SuperKicks Sabin. Gargano tags in Ciampa. Second Chop Exchange. Ciampa applies a side headlock. Shelley tags in Sabin. Shelley whips Ciampa across the ring. Shelley with an Inverted Atomic Drop. Sabin dropkicks the left knee of Ciampa. Muta Lock/Basement Dropkick Combination. Helluva Kick/Running Enzuigiri Combination. Sabin tags in Shelley. Pretty Deadly runs interference. Ciampa with a Running Pump Knee Strike. Ciampa tags in Gargano. DIY hits their SuperKick/Fairy Tale Ending Combination for a two count. Pretty Deadly got into a big brawl with Los Garza. Shelley rolls Gargano over for a two count. Shelley applies The Border City Stretch. Sabin gets Ciampa trapped in The STF. Angel Garza tackles Kit Wilson into Sabin which forces the referee to call off the match

Match Result: No-Contest, But Still WWE Tag Team Champions, DIY

– Nia Jax is upset that Tiffany Stratton is nowhere to be found. Candice LeRae says that Tiffany is pretty sensitive, and maybe she’s offended by what Nia said about her last week. Candice is here, and Tiffany overcomplicates things. Nia says that after she’s done with Naomi tonight, maybe they can get another crack at the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships. Nia just needs Candice to make sure that Bianca BelAir doesn’t get in the way.

– Sami Zayn runs into Carmelo Hayes in the backstage area. Melo says that he had Sami beat last week if it wasn’t for Braun Strowman. Sami mentions that Melo was two seconds away from getting kicked in the face, and he ran away. Melo was just sticking to the game plan. According to Melo, both Sami and Braun can get this work whenever they want. The Usos are standing behind Melo as he’s running his mouth. Jimmy Uso asked if there’s a problem here. Melo decides to walk away from The OG Bloodline. Jey Uso tells Sami to comb his hair and get ready for their 6-Man Tag Team Match. The Usos bump into Kevin Owens. Jey says that Kevin needs to watch where he’s walking, uce. Kevin responds by saying that Jey needs to watch his back.

– Nick Aldis walks up to Cody Rhodes as he’s about to exit the arena. Nick wants to make sure if Cody’s okay. Cody made a huge deal about having a Ladder Match at the Royal Rumble, and now he’s doing everything he can to make sure he won’t make it to the Rumble. Nick tells Cody to put his hatred to the side and think about the big picture. Cody appreciates the fact that Nick is focusing on his future and the company’s future, he’s a great boss, but he’s the champion. This is the biggest week in the company’s history. And as much as Nick wants to put Cody on the shelf until the Royal Rumble, Cody has the power call his shot. Cody tells Nick to go have a conversation with Drew McIntyre since he wants to join SmackDown. Drew has Cody’s attention. Before WrestleMania last year, Cody said that, when one story ends, a whole new story begins. And here’s the story, if he sees Kevin Owens or even someone who looks like Kevin Owens, he will drop them on sight.

Fourth Match: Nia Jax (c) w/Candice LeRae vs. Naomi w/Bianca BelAir For The WWE Women’s Championship

Naomi ducks a clothesline from Jax. Naomi with a single leg dropkick. Naomi with a flying forearm smash. Naomi follows that with The Spinning Heel Kick. Jax sends Naomi to the corner. Naomi with clubbing hamstring kicks. Jax HeadButts Naomi. Jax poses for the crowd. Jax drives Naomi face first into the canvas. Jax with a Big Biel Throw. Naomi kicks Jax in the gut. Jax whips Naomi into the turnbuckles. Jax with a corner clothesline. Naomi with a drop toe hold into the middle turnbuckle pad. Naomi with clubbing mid-kicks. Jax once again drives Naomi’s face into the canvas. Naomi with a Roundhouse Kick. Jax responds with a HeadButt that sends Naomi to the floor. Jax has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Naomi avoids The Leg Drop. Naomi with a Running Knee Strike. Jax catches Naomi in mid-air. Jax with The Swinging Uranage Slam for a two count. Jax toys around with Naomi. Naomi with heavy bodyshots. Jax bodyslams Naomi. Jax with The Elbow Drop for a two count. Jax applies a rear chin lock. Jax drives Naomi shoulder first into the steel ring post.

Jax with a Running Hip Attack against the ring post for a two count. Jax goes for a PowerBomb, but Naomi counters with The Victory Roll for a two count. Jax with a Running Clothesline. Jax drags Naomi to the corner. Naomi kicks out the legs of Jax. Naomi gets Jax tied up in the tree of woe. Naomi with a Leaping Foot Stomp. Naomi with The Flying Splitting Leg Drop for a two count. Jax HeadButts Naomi. Naomi sends Jax shoulder first into the ring post. Naomi slams Jax’s head on the top rope. Naomi lands The Suicide Dive. Naomi kicks Jax in the chest. Naomi rolls Jax back into the ring. Naomi with two running double axe handle strikes. Naomi with The Springboard Enzuigiri. Naomi ducks a clothesline from Jax. Naomi hits The Samoan Drop for a two count. Naomi drags Jax to the corner. Naomi prepares for The Split Legged MoonSault. Jax punches Naomi in the back. Jax gets Naomi tied up in the tree of woe. Jax with a Running Hip Attack. Jax with The Flying Leg Drop for a two count.

Jax with clubbing blows to Naomi’s back. Jax drags Naomi to the corner. Naomi denies The Annihilator. Naomi drops Jax with The Tornado DDT for a two count. Jax wisely rolls out to the ring apron. Naomi with Muay Thai Knee Strikes. Naomi nails Jax with The Heat Seeker for a two count. Jax regains control of the match during the commercial break. Jax sends Naomi to the corner. Naomi kicks Jax in the face. Naomi with The Blockbuster for a two count. Naomi dives over Jax. Jax goes for The Samoan Drop, but Naomi counters with The Crucifix Bomb for a two count. Naomi applies Feel The Glow. Candice LeRae runs interference. Bianca BelAir tees off on LeRae. Jax throws one of the tag team titles at BelAir. Jax sends BelAir into the steel ring steps. Jax ascends to the top turnbuckle. Naomi with The Roundhouse Kick. Naomi and Jax are trading back and forth shots. Jax goes for The Avalanche World’s Strongest Slam, but Naomi counters with The Powerslam. Tiffany Stratton attacks Naomi with her Money In The Bank Briefcase. Jax connects with The Annihilator to pickup the victory. After the match, Jax tees off on BelAir. Stratton attacks Jax and LeRae with the MITB Briefcase. Stratton drives LeRae shoulder first into the ring post. BelAir plants Jax with The KOD. Stratton launches BelAir over the announce table. Stratton finally decides to cash in her MITB Briefcase.

Winner: Still WWE Women’s Champion, Nia Jax via Pinfall

Fifth Match: Nia Jax (c) w/Candice LeRae vs. Tiffany Stratton For The WWE Women’s Championship

Stratton delivers The PME to pickup the victory.

Winner: New WWE Women’s Champion, Tiffany Stratton via Pinfall

– We got a video package on the Roman Reigns/Solo Sikoa Rivalry.

– There will be a special Raw Post-Game Show hosted by Joe Tessitore, Wade Barrett, Big E following the Raw Netflix Premiere.

– LA Knight tells Byron Saxton that he’ll get a shot at the United States Championship next week. Knight says that he’s willing to put anybody that gets in his way back into factory settings.

Sixth Match: Sami Zayn & The Usos vs. The Bloodline In A 6-Man Tag Team Match

A pier six brawl ensues after the bell rings. The OG Bloodline cleans house. Sikoa is displaying his frustration on the outside. The Usos work on the left arm of Fatu. Fatu tags in Tonga. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Tonga drives his knee into the midsection of Jey. Tonga HeadButts Jey. Tonga is throwing haymakers at Jey. Tonga repeatedly stomps on Jey’s chest. Tonga is choking Jey with his boot. Jey with a reverse hammer throw into the turnbuckles. Jey drags Tonga to the corner. Jey tags in Zayn. Zayn with a running elbow drop. Zayn slams Tonga’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Zayn with a flying double axe handle strike. Zayn applies a wrist lock. Zayn tags in Jimmy. Jimmy kicks Tonga in the gut. Tonga reverses out of the irish whip from Jimmy. Jimmy holds onto the ropes. Jimmy kicks Tonga in the face. Sikoa slams Jimmy’s head on the top rope behind the referee’s back. Tonga tags in Sikoa. Sikoa is raining down haymakers in the corner. Sikoa with repeated headbutts. Sikoa poses for the crowd. Sikoa talks smack to Jimmy. Sikoa pie faces Jimmy. Sikoa puts his knee on the back of Jimmy’s neck. Tonga kicks Jimmy behind the referee’s back. Sikoa applies a nerve hold. Jimmy decks Sikoa with a JawBreaker. Jimmy tags in Zayn.

Zayn is throwing haymakers at Sikoa. Sikoa reverses out of the irish whip from Zayn. Zayn ducks a clothesline from Sikoa. Zayn with two running lariats. Sikoa uppercuts Zayn. Zayn springboards off the ropes. Zayn with a Big Lariat. Zayn transitions into a corner mount. Zayn knocks Tonga off the ring apron. Zayn with a back elbow smash. Zayn goes for The Flying Double Axe Handle Strike, but Sikoa counters with The Spinning Solo. Sikoa tags in Fatu. Fatu with repeated headbutts. Fatu is choking Zayn with his knee. Fatu whips Zayn back first into the turnbuckles. Fatu goes after the right hand of Zayn. Fatu applies a front face lock. Fatu tags in Tonga. Tonga with The Slingshot Senton. Tonga with heavy bodyshots. Tonga dropkicks Zayn to the floor. Tonga with a Diving Elbow Drop off the ring apron. Zayn slams Tonga’s head on the announce table. Tonga tags in Sikoa. Sikoa stops Zayn in his tracks. Sikoa toys around with Zayn. Sikoa applies another nerve hold. Zayn with elbows into the midsection of Sikoa. Sikoa responds with The Samoan Drop for a two count.

Zayn fights from underneath. Zayn with two overhand chops. Sikoa uppercuts Zayn. Sikoa drags Zayn to the corner. Tonga tags himself in. Tonga transitions into a ground and pound attack. Tonga stomps on Zayn’s face. Tonga tags in Fatu. Fatu with a Running Hip Attack. Fatu uppercuts Zayn. Fatu tags in Sikoa. Sikoa with Two HeadButts. Sikoa whips Zayn across the ring. Zayn kicks Sikoa in the chest. Zayn ducks a clothesline from Sikoa. Zayn creates distance with The Blue Thunder Bomb. Jey and Tonga are tagged in. Jey with a leaping clothesline. Jey knocks Fatu off the apron. Jey with rapid fire haymakers. Jey thrust kicks the midsection of Toga. Jey with a drop down uppercut. Jey goes for The Samoan Drop, but Tonga lands back on his feet. Jey uppercuts Tonga. Jey tags in Jimmy. The Usos side steps Tonga into the turnbuckles. Double Enzuigiri. Jimmy tags in Jey. Jey with a flying forearm smash. Double Elbow Drop. The Usos clotheslines Fatu over for a two count. Tonga rolls Jey over for a two count. Jey with The Pop Up NeckBreaker for a two count.

Fatu tosses Jimmy around the ringside area. Zayn with a flying sledge off the steel ring steps. Zayn tees off on Fatu. Sikoa drives Zayn face first into the steel ring post. Jey uppercuts Sikoa. Tonga sends Jey face first into the ring post. Tonga with The Leaping DDT for a two count. Tonga tags in Fatu. Fatu says that Jey should’ve acknowledged Sikoa. Jey SuperKicks Fatu. Simultaneous tag to Jimmy. Running Hip Attack Party. Jey and Zayn blasts Sikoa and Tonga off the apron. Stereo Suicide Dives. Jimmy lands The Uso Splash for a two count. Fatu SuperKicks Jimmy. Fatu with The Flying Splash. Fatu with The Double Jump MoonSault for a two count. Fatu launches Zayn over the top rope. Jimmy drives Fatu back first into the turnbuckles. Jimmy tags in Jey. The Usos gang up on Fatu. Double SuperKick to Fatu for a two count. Jey gets distracted by Drew McIntyre. Jey ducks a clothesline from Fatu. Jey wipes out McIntyre with The Suicide Dive. Jey dives over Fatu. Fatu hits The Pop Up Samoan Drop for a two count. Fatu tags in Sikoa. Fatu goes for The Running Hip Attack, but Jey ducks out of the way. Jey SuperKicks Sikoa. Jey Spears Fatu. Jey connects with The Uso Splash. Sikoa plants Jey with The Samoan Spike to pickup the victory.

Winner: The Bloodline via Pinfall

Checkout Episode 446 of The Hoots Podcast

WWE SmackDown Results (1/3/25): Sami Zayn & The Usos  vs. The Bloodline (2025)


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